A pain anywhere in the head...acute or chronic, frontal, temporal, occipital, dull or throbbing…may be an indicator of an underlying health disorder. There are numerous causes: toxins, allergies, infections, nutritional deficiencies, tension, colon abnormalities, liver disorders, hypertension, spinal misalignment, pharmaceuticals, to name a few. You may wish to encourage your patient with chronic headaches to detoxify. Please refer to the Detoxification page of this guide.
Histastat Food™ - (Formerly called Allerstat I) detoxification of common food allergies, if food sensitivities are suspected. Indicated for symptoms associated with problem foods such as indigestion with flatulence, bloating, and loss of weight.**
Drainpar™ - glandular homeopathic for liver, lymph and kidney support.**
* Genstat™ - this homeopathic and magnesium chloride blend stimulates detoxification of the elimination centers.**
* Headache HP™ - high potency formula indicated for tension and pressure of the head and headaches.**
Hepapar™ - glandular homeopathic for liver support, indicated for abdominal bloating and soreness, and constipation alternating with diarrhea.**
Hepatone™ - tonifier for the liver and gallbladder, indicated for flatulence, constipation, and salty or bitter taste in the mouth.**
Hepastat™ - detoxifier for the liver, indicated for indigestion, flatulence, exhaustion, nausea, and constipation.**
Liver Gallbladder HP™ - high potency formula for the liver and gallbladder, if liver or gallbladder congestion is a suspected contributor to symptoms.**
Relaxatone™ - tonifier for persons with anxiety or stress, if tension headaches are an issue.**
Histacom™ - (Formerly called Allercom) supports the respiratory tract and a healthy immune response to environmental factors, if allergies are suspected contributors.
Calming Formula - helps moderate occasional stress and supports nervous system health to reduce minor pain.
* Dandecom™ - fortifier and detoxifier for the liver, indicated for tension and biliousness.
Environmental Formula – Rainforest Botanical environmental detox formula that supports healthy bile production and secretion, liver and gallbladder balance and detoxification, and aids in the elimination of environmental toxins.
Feverfew - single herbal traditionally used as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory. Research shows that it may be effective for the prevention of migraine headaches[i].
Gencom™ - detoxifier for the general system, indicated to support the liver, gallbladder, and digestive system.
Ginkgocom™ - supports the circulatory system and brain health.
Hydrangeacom™ - fortifier for the biliary tract and gallbladder.
St. John’s Wort - single herb to tonify the nervous system.
Valericom™ - supports and calms the nervous system, indicated when tension, anxiety or stress is a suspected contributor.
 B-Complex - balanced blend of B vitamins to support mitochondrial function and nervous system health.
Calcium Plus - provides exceptional bone support through an advanced blend of bioavailable minerals and synergistic nutrients that aid healthy bone mineralization and structure. Enhanced with D3 and K2 for superior mineral absorption and utilization to keep calcium in the bones rather than blood vessels
Co Q-10 C - Coenzyme Q-10 plays a role in mitochondrial energy production, which may be impaired in headache sufferers.
Digestizyme Plus - digestive and pancreatic enzymes that aid in the breakdown of foods to help diminish food reactions.
Enervimin™ Stress Focus - full spectrum vitamin and mineral supplement formulated for those under stress.
Hepa-Detox - nutritional and herbal blend to support healthy liver and gallbladder detoxification.
Initial-E™- important fat-soluble antioxidant for brain and mitochondrial health.
* Mag-Chlor - a highly absorbable form of magnesium, whose deficiency is associated with headaches.
Magnesium Malate - deficiency of this mineral is associated with headaches.
Marine Omega 3 Pro™- contaminant-free source of EPA and DHA to support the brain and healthy inflammation response.
* MethylfolÂ- combination of methylfolate and methyl-B12 to assist healthy methylation for detoxification and neurotransmitter balance.
Additional Considerations
Encourage your patient to eat a well-balanced diet and avoid allergenic foods, as well as processed foods containing artificial sweeteners, flavorings, colorings, and additives. Alcohol and caffeine may also need to be eliminated. An elimination/rotation diet is recommended. He/she should consume plenty of fluids.
Depending upon what type of headache you are dealing with, the protocol will vary. In general, however, a cold compress to the head can restrict the blood vessels and reduce pain; massage can be relaxing and alleviate tension; resting in a quiet, darkened room can relieve a headache; and a chiropractic adjustment may improve blood flow to the brain, alleviating headaches.
For headaches during menses, please refer to the Premenstrual Syndrome pages of this guide.
[i] Ernst E, Pittler MH. The efficacy and safety of feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium L): an update of a systematic review. Public Health Nutr. 2000;3:509–514.
[ii] Yablon LA, Mauskop A. Magnesium in headache. In: Vink R, Nechifor M, editors. Magnesium in the Central Nervous System [Internet]. Adelaide (AU): University of Adelaide Press; 2011. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK507271/
[iii] Ibid.
*Denotes primary remedy.
**These statements are based upon traditional homeopathic practice.
**Claims based on traditional homeopathic practice, not accepted medical evidence. Not FDA evaluated.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
revised 3/1/21