Lyme disease is a tick-borne infection similar in some ways to the Rickettsial diseases, in other ways to syphilis. It is caused by the spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi and initially presents with fever, malaise, joint pain and often a characteristic bull’s eye rash. Arthritis, endocarditis, and severe neurologic complications are possible chronic sequelae that have all been noted in untreated patients. Chronic Lyme disease is perhaps the most fascinating and controversial illness of modern times, due in part to the fact that many of its symptoms strikingly overlap with what were in the past considered hysterical manifestations. Advocates claim that Borrelia and/or its host of co-infections can elude the immune system and antibiotic treatment, and have ascribed to its assumed persistence in the body an enormous range of potential symptoms, from the vague and common such as fatigue, to the strikingly severe such as hemiparesis. The conventional medical establishment has acknowledged that chronic infections can occur, but denies that this is likely after appropriate antibiotic treatment. It has devised the term “post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome” to describe any lingering symptoms, disputing the possibility of chronic infection based on clinical trials showing continuing antibiotic treatments to be ineffective, and the fact that diagnostic tests for chronic Lyme lack scientific validation. These opponents claim that chronic Lyme disease is being used to misdiagnose common conditions such as fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome, while advocates for the disorder, including many so-called “Lyme Literate” MDs, claim that persistent infection might well provide a concrete etiological basis for these otherwise spurious diagnoses. Patients who are treated for chronic Lyme often report initial aggravations, which have been attributed to Jarisch-Herxheimer reactions, and further complicating treatment is the fact that Borrelia is believed to be able to survive and persist in cystic form, which advocates claim might explain why the symptoms do not respond to conventional antibiotics. Some claim that Lyme disease can be sexually transmitted, though there is no existing evidence for this.
B HP™- (Formerly called BAC HP) high-potency formula indicated for symptoms due to bacterial infections.**
Lymphastat B™- (Formerly called Bactestat) homeopathic detoxifier indicated for symptoms due to bacterial infections.**
Cardiopar™- glandular homeopathic for heart support, indicated for dyspnea on exertion, fatigue, and profuse perspiration.**
Cat’s Claw 6X, 12X, 30X- homeopathic cord of cat’s claw potencies, indicated for exhaustion, joint pain, and immune weakness.**
* Jointox BB™- (Formerly called Lyme HP) high-potency formula indicated for symptoms associated with infections such as aches and pains of joints and muscles.**
*Jointstat BB™-(Formerly called Lymestat) homeopathic detoxifier indicated for symptoms associated with infections such as aches and pains of joints and muscles.**
Metabatone™- tonifier for the metabolism, indicated for tiredness, weakness, general fatigue, exhaustion, and weakness of memory.**
Numbness HP™- (Formerly called Neuralgia HP) high-potency formula for neuralgia, indicated for relief of numbness, tingling, and irritation of nerves.**
Neuropar™- glandular homeopathic for nerve support, indicated for relief of numbness and tingling, stiffness in nape of the neck with shooting, and tingling and burning pain with numbness.**
Scrophulous HP™- high-potency formula for lymphatic drainage, indicated for symptoms of glandular swelling, fluid retention, and being easily susceptible to infections.**
Jointcom™- (Formerly called Arthricom) fortifier for the joints, indicated to support the musculoskeletal system.
Echinacom™ or Echinacom C™- fortifier for the immune system, indicated for immune support.
Gencom™- fortifier for the blood and general system detoxifier.
Turmericom™- (Formerly called Inflammacom) fortifier for the musculoskeletal system, indicated to support a healthy and balanced inflammatory response.
* Joint Formula- Rainforest Botanical joint support formula to support the musculoskeletal system.
Propolicom™- fortifier for the immune and respiratory systems.
Scrophularicom™- fortifier for the lymph, spleen, and liver, indicated to support the lymphatic system.
* Teasel- single spagyric herbal traditionally used for joint and immune system support.
* Una de Gato- single herb from the rainforest known for its immune-supporting and antioxidant benefits. Also known as Cat’s Claw and available in liquid or capsules.
C-TR 1500- time-released vitamin C to support the immune system.
* D-3 125 MG- vitamin D for immune system support.
G.L.A. Borage- essential fatty acids to support a healthy and balanced inflammatory response.
Immunique™- essential nutrients for tissue healing and immune system support.
N-Acetyl Cysteine - sulfur-containing amino acid that supports detoxification and liver health.
Physician’s Choice – full-spectrum vitamin and mineral supplement with herbs for added immune system support.
Additional Considerations
* Life Choice Capsules- Energique’s outstanding green foods blend features chlorella and spirulina and is packed with nutrients and antioxidants for cellular defense.
Daily exercise, hot baths, and massage are extremely beneficial to ease the joint pain. Many recommend hot castor oil packs for relief.
Ticks avoid sunlight, preferring areas of shaded underbrush. Sticking to open, sunny places is a good way to avoid tick bites when spending time outdoors. If you notice a tick, the best way to remove it is with tweezers, grasping it as close the skin as possible. It generally takes 36-48 hours for an attached tick to transmit Lyme disease, so promptly checking for and removing ticks after spending time outdoors in endemic areas may help provide one a reasonable assurance against infection.
*Denotes primary remedy.
**These statements are based upon traditional homeopathic practice.
**Claims based on traditional homeopathic practice, not accepted medical evidence. Not FDA evaluated.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
revised 3/1/21